Monday, February 15, 2010

365 Project OLD pics

The view coming up the drive to the horse ranch where Bridget rides.
Paul, Susie and Nadine at El Chico's. Fun catching up on the news.

Yet another snowstorm!

Eric's partner Jax's picture with the men in his family.

Eric at his going away party (grrrr).

One of the bridges on the way to Eric's house.

The pond at the horse ranch where Bridget rides.
Another snow storm..

Snowdrift mixed with the birdseed on the ramp. Took this a month ago and don't remember why.
People who have been to my house will recognize this. When I was in the wheelchair, I simplified stuff leading to all my underwear and nightwear being piled on the dryer. My friend, Sharon, got these shelves for me to put things in order. I should have taken a "before" picture to contrast with this one - which is of the shelves after I finally straightened them up.

This is the room in the clubhouse where we do our book studies.
Not a lot of pictures for the time lapse. However, I'm giving myself credit for not giving up. I need to go to better places so I can get better pics.


Eric Wayne Mix, DO said...

Yeah...places like Montana and Yellowstone! :-))

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