It occurred to me the other day that I should write a book called, "Rules I'm Never Going to Follow Again." At age 70 I'm pretty sure I'm done with a lot of them. Of course, I'm still going to stop at stoplights, use my turn signal (follow traffic laws). I'm still going to follow most of the laws of courtesy - basically they're just about caring about other people - not a bad thing at all. However I no longer think I have to wear make up when going out in public. I no longer comb my hair more than once a day. I don't have summer and winter clothes - I wear the same stuff year round. I buy very comfortable clothes so that they can double as pajamas. (I know. That's really terrible. That means I sometimes am too lazy to put on pajamas. OMG!) I don't like traditional breakfast foods so I often eat spagetti, pizza, salad, hamburgers, hot dogs and other lunch type stuff for breakfast. What's the big deal? My sleeping patterns have been messed up for years so I sleep at odd times. Whatever.
I hate business meetings so I never go to them anymore. I've been boycotting funerals unless I think they're going to be the kind I like where they just talk about the person or I need to be there for support for the person's family. Otherwise I generally don't like funerals so I don't go. On the other hand I go to every wedding I'm invited to - I might even start crashing them. They're usually fun. I feel that way even though I've decided that no one should get married unles they're prepared to accept the other person exactly as they are.
Well, that's just a few of the rules I'm not following anymore. When the book is published, I'll post where it can be purchased.
The main rule I'm following is the "Golden" one. It succinctly encompasses all of those common courtesy and traffic ones you mentioned too : )